‘So here it is, Merry Coronation, Have a slice of quiche. Look to the future Where we’re none of us so ri-i-ich….’ (…to be sung to the chorus of Slade’ s ‘Merry Christmas, everybody’) If you’ve had your fill of coronating (sic) look away for a paragraph or two. Over the last seven years’ blogging, I’ve briefly commented on major public and state events, generally rather blandly - out of respect for any readers. Brexit was the exception. I felt then and think now it was a self-harming aberration fuelled by a minority opinion within one political party, perhaps assisted by foreign ‘bad actors’. Eventually that history will be written, and professional commentators will make their judgments, but not in time for someone like me to say ‘I told you so’, or for my opinions to be proved wrong. And here we are today watching on telly an occasion most of us haven’t witnessed before, and may well not see again. This time there’s direct relevance to this blog, b...