'Peace doves' installation: Lincoln Cathedral: Peter Walker The drive from Grantham towards Lincoln is just an extended memory lane. My pilgrim’s route has already taken me on foot through most of these villages. As I motor on, what stays with me is no replay of aching muscles or pinched toes. Rather, I feel a golden-hued nostalgia for the beauty and kindness I met. Every day was filled with sunshine, or so it seems. But then, as previously observed, I’m a glass-half-empty person, and a fair-weather rambler. At Waddington I take a few moments to see what St. Michael’s looks like when there’s no jumble sale in the offing. It’s spiritually comfy: there are echoes of my own childhood religion in the surroundings – 20 th century modernist architecture, an infant-friendly depiction of God’s care for his creation, the bones of Christian theology laid out in front of the congregation – but I’m remembering a different era and a different denomination. So then, not ‘change and dec...